KNUTH Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH от Wasbek:

Ein starker technischer Partner für die Metallbearbeitung

Die KNUTH Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH ist ein führender Anbieter von Maschinen für nahezu alle Bereiche der Zerspanung und Metallbearbeitung - ein globales Unternehmen mit Tochterunternehmen und Vertriebspartnern in mehr als 30 Ländern.

Das Portfolio reicht von CNC- und konventionellen Zerspanungstechnologien wie Dreh-, Fräs-, Bohr- und Schleifmaschinen bis hin zu einer Vielzahl von Blechbearbeitungstechnologien wie Laser-, Wasser- und Plasmaschneidemaschinen, Biegemaschinen, Scheren und Abkantpressen.

In der 16.000 m² großen Firmenzentrale in Norddeutschland stehen ca. 900 Maschinen am Lager, viele davon vorführbereit und alle kurzfristig lieferbar.

Das KNUTH-Beratungsteam besteht aus erfahrenen Verkaufsberatern und Ingenieuren aus der metallverarbeitenden Industrie, die Ihnen helfen, die perfekte Maschine und Lösung für Ihr Unternehmen zu finden. Ein hochqualifiziertes Serviceteam sorgt dafür, dass wir schnell auf die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden eingehen können.

KNUTH-Techniker gewährleisten die Umsetzung strenger Qualitätssicherung, vom Hersteller bis zur Lieferung der Maschinen. Auch der Aufbau, die Inbetriebnahme und die Einweisung und Schulung der Anwender kann von unseren Technikern übernommen werden.

Das 1923 gegründete Familienunternehmen wird heute in der 3. und 4. Generation von Inhaber Karsten Knuth gemeinsam mit Philip und Kristian Knuth geführt.

г-н Knuth Werkzeugmaschinen
Schmalenbrook 14
24647 Wasbek

Допълнителна правна информация

KNUTH Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH
Schmalenbrook 14
D-24647 Wasbek

Geschäftsführer: Karsten Knuth, Philip Knuth, Kristian Knuth
Handelsregister: HRB 1554
USt.-IdNr.: DE 214088559

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Знакът за доверие Machineseeker дава възможност на купувачите да видят с един поглед дали работят с надежден продавач.

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Текущи обяви и топ оферти:

Машина за огъване на профили

Powerful production machines with hydraulic driven rollers. Eeh9Nil Our complete data sheet with all details and technical data can be foun ...

3-ролкова кръгла огъваща машина

Motor-driven rollers with large working width and motorised rear roller adjustment for processing heavy plate. Our complete data sheet with ...

Вертикален CNC обработващ център

This model is very popular with customers who are looking for a quick, inexpensive solution for smaller workshops or who want to convert fro ...

Изпратете запитване на KNUTH Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH:

Съединени американски щати
Обединеното кралство
Руска федерация
Беларус (Бяла Русия)
Нова Зеландия
Чешка република
Черна гора
Босна и Херцеговина
Южна Корея

Още обяви и оферти за машини:

Машина за огъване на профили

Powerful production machines with hydraulic driven rollers. Eeh9Nil Our complete data sheet with all details and technical data can be found here under Documents as a PDF download......

3-ролкова кръгла огъваща машина

Motor-driven rollers with large working width and motorised rear roller adjustment for processing heavy plate. Our complete data sheet with all details and technical data can be f......

Вертикален CNC обработващ център

This model is very popular with customers who are looking for a quick, inexpensive solution for smaller workshops or who want to convert from conventional to CNC machining. Our co......

Конвенционална цилиндрична шлифовъчна машина

Inside and outside machining with auto feed on transverse axis. 7Jw8Lssv7F Our complete data sheet with all details and technical data can be found here under Documents as a PDF d......

Серво конвенционален струг

Unlike conventional lathes, this series has ball screw drives and electronic handwheels in all axes. 3H20C9Gvh Our complete data sheet with all details and technical data can be ......

Серво конвенционален струг

Unlike conventional lathes, this series has ball screw drives and electronic handwheels in all axes. Bvl9L3Fn Our complete data sheet with all details and technical data can be f......

Серво конвенционален струг

Unlike conventional lathes, this series has ball screw drives and electronic handwheels in all axes. Our complete data sheet with all details and technical data can be found here......

CNC струг с наклонено легло

Modern inclined bed machine with C-axis and a 12-fold tool turret with driven tools for axial and radial drilling and milling work. Bzpfulnoya The machine is also featured with a......


Compact NC bending solution with X and R axis and extensive standard equipment as an excellent alternative to CNC machines. Special model - The backgauge is equipped with 2 additio......

Хоризонтален наклонен лентов трион

Fully automatic band saw with special equipment. Djs2Ol Our complete data sheet with all details and technical data can be found here under Documents as a PDF download.......

Хоризонтален наклонен лентов трион

Fully automatic band saw with special equipment. This machine is equipped with interesting accessories for sawing pipes. Ysnm0Chm Our complete data sheet with all details and tech......

Вертикален CNC обработващ център

High-quality milling machine for prototype construction or series production with automation options. Our complete data sheet with all details and technical data can be found here......

CNC струг с плосък плот

The CNC box-way lathes of the Numturn 500 Series are suitable for a wide spectrum of applications. They are ideal for single parts production and also for cost-effective small batc......

Ръчна хидравлична преса за работилница

Manual, ideal for craft shops, schools and training facilities. Bm9Zrei2 Our complete data sheet with all details and technical data can be found here under Documents as a PDF dow......

моторизирана преса за работилница

Motorised workshop press with horizontally positionable cylinder unit with two-stage hydraulics Kfqihvjh Our complete data sheet with all details and technical data can be found h......

Машина за скосяване на ръбове

Discontinued model at a special price! Ba9Kwysmvsi Our complete data sheet with all details and technical data can be found here under Documents as a PDF download.......

Конвенционална цилиндрична шлифовъчна машина

Inside and outside machining with manual feed on transverse axis. Bw3Um99Rty Our complete data sheet with all details and technical data can be found here under Documents as a PDF......

Конвенционална цилиндрична шлифовъчна машина

Inside and outside machining with manual feed on transverse axis. Ba9K2Qsekl2 Our complete data sheet with all details and technical data can be found here under Documents as a PD......

Универсален струг

With constant cutting speed, rapid traverses and an extended speed range that can be controlled by an inverter, these models are characterized by high-performance machining, excell......

CNC струг с наклонено легло

The inclined bed machine with 8-station tool turret and powerful 15 kW (20 hp) main spindle motor has a hydraulic 3-jaw chuck with through-hole. Our complete data sheet with all d......

Машини за щанцоване с EDM

ZNC-controlled electrical discharge machine with manually positioned work reservoir for tool and die making. Our complete data sheet with all details and technical data can be fo......

Хоризонтален наклонен лентов трион

Sturdy swing frame design with manual angle adjustment and saw cycle programming on the touch screen. Dksr3H Our complete data sheet with all details and technical data can be fou......

Хоризонтален наклонен лентов трион

Heavy duty swing frame design with mitre adjustment, hydraulic feed and touch screen programming of saw cycles. Dksr8D Our complete data sheet with all details and technical data ......

Хоризонтален лентов трион

Sturdy double-column design with large cutting capacity and robust fully automatic feed for efficient series production. Zpjjwxvc Our complete data sheet with all details and tech......

Система за лазерно рязане

Small footprint design with Raytools cutting head and Raycus laser source. Flb2Qai7X Our complete data sheet with all details and technical data can be found here under Documents ......

120 Покажи